Space warfare american
Space warfare american

space warfare american

However, in the last couple of years, the spectre of combat in outer space has returned - and with a vengeance. The Cold War has long since ended, and for several decades the prospect of warfare in space disappeared along with the ideological confrontation between capitalism and Marxism. During this time, the media and policy journals were filled with speculation and concern about the extension of war between the United States and the Soviet Union into the heavens.

space warfare american space warfare american

Popularly dubbed “Star Wars”, the SDI was a missile defense programme that involved a significant space-based capability. The last time the world powers were so publicly concerned about the prospect of warfare in outer space was in the 1980s, when US President Ronald Reagan launched his Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). As the space arms race peaks, how long will it take before warfare in space begins? A still from the Call of Duty: Space Warfare trailer By John B. With the Middle East pushing ahead with space ambitions, a flurry of space weapons seems inevitable. Proliferation of military satellite applications breeds dependency which, in turn, leads to adversaries developing counterspace capabilities.

Space warfare american